Early American Architectural Styles

In honor of Thanksgiving, we  complied a list of Early American Colonial House Styles. Pilgrims did not come from one place but rather multiple backgrounds settled in North America between 1600 and 1800. Men, women and children traveled from various parts of the world, including France, Spain, Latin American and Germany. This mesh of different backgrounds created various cultures  and architectural styles throughout North America. 

We are focusing on the earlier part of  the 1600-1700, as the mid 1700's rolled in, many additional architectural styles were created. This was due in large part from the blending of different styles, progression in construction methods and new building materials. 

New England Colonial
Georgian Colonial

Spanish Colonial
German Colonial
Cape Cod 
French Colonial 
Dutch Colonial

We wish you and your family a happy, safe Thanksgiving from all of us at Purcell!

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